Device Lease Terms


This is to be used as a generic overview of the terms associated in leasing hardware from Tracklogix. By ordering a device on a lease plan, you agree to these terms outlined here.

If an additional signed lease agreement has been made between tracklogix and you (the lessee) then the terms outlined here-in are not applicable, and the terms will be clearly outlined in the signed lease agreement.

Monthly Lease Cost

The monthly lease cost of hardware is available on the specific products page. The lease cost is a monthly charge for using the hardware and is seperate to the service and sim costs.

Once you place an order on our site for a leased device, we will contact you to confirm the recurring billing that is involved in this purchase. The recurring billing will managed by a third-party payment gateway such as Stripe, GoCardless, or others, and as such will not be manageable via this website.

Ownership and Use

The Tracker shall remain the property of the lessor throughout the lease term and any renewal terms.

The lessee shall use the Tracker only for its intended purpose and shall not modify or alter the Tracker without prior written consent from the lessor.

With some hardwired trackers, modifications may be required. An example of this is stripping some cables for use. We understand this but ask that no modifications are made to the tracker that may in any way hinder its use and functionality on return of the tracking device. This includes but is not limited to; cutting off cables, drilling through plastic, discarding additional wiring,

Contract Term

The initial term for this lease should be 30 days, unless specified otherwise. Upon expiration of the initial term, the contract will automatically renew on a month-by-month basis.

Lease Cancellation

If the lessee wishes to cancel a contract before the end of the initial term or any renewal term, the lessee will be required to pay the monthly service cost for the remaining months of the contract term.

The amount due will be calculated as follows: (number of months remaining in the contract term) x (monthly service cost).

Any cancellation request must be made in writing and delivered to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the requested cancellation date.

The cancellation will be effective on the last day of the month in which the cancellation date falls.

Returning Hardware

The lessee is responsible for returning hardware at the conclusion of the lease term or upon cancellation. The lessee is required to organise uninstall (if applicable) and shipping of hardware back to Tracklogix. We will contact you at this time to provide address to return devices to.

Warranty & Replacement

The lessor guarantees a replacement warranty for the Tracker during the lease term, subject to the conditions outlined in a separate warranty policy.

The replacement warranty will be valid as long as the lessee pays the monthly lease cost. 

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to leasing.